Mentorship Program

Note: Applications are now closed, stay tuned for next term!

Muslims in Tech’s mentoring program is designed to support individuals who may be looking for their first tech job or to give assistance to those seeking guidance with mid-career progression and growth.

This program is especially a great opportunity for Muslim students and recent graduates to connect with the Muslim industry professionals throughout a 10-week guided mentoring relationship.

This program is designed to connect mentees with industry, expand professional networks and to develop the Muslim tech community through sharing knowledge and experience between individuals and organisations.

For Mentors

The benefits of mentoring

Mentoring is often a rewarding experience and a chance to reflect on your own journey, skills and knowledge.

  • Enhance your coaching and leadership skills
  • Develop a fresh perspective on your career
  • Extend your professional network
  • Help to shape the future of your profession and community
  • A deeper appreciation for the value you have to offer
The Mentor’s Role

Mentors challenge, motivate, inspire and empower their mentees.
Mentors empower students to make positive changes in their lives. The role of the mentor is to work with the mentee to identify where they need greater insight and understanding. Mentors need to be open to sharing their personal experiences and knowledge. It is through this exchange that students develop a better understanding of the professional world and the ability to make informed decisions on career paths and strategies post–study.


  • Provide guidance to students around self-reliance, motivation and confidence
  • Provide insight into particular professional fields and networks and open their mentees eyes to less obvious career paths
  • Encourage discussion without judgement
  • Challenge assumptions and preconceptions about career paths and how to succeed
  • Encourage self-directed reflection, analysis and problem solving

Applications are now closed

For Mentees

The benefits of having a mentor

Mentors can help you to pursue and achieve your goals by inspiring, motivating and challenging you.

Mentoring will help you to:

  • Discover career paths and options post-study
  • Broaden your horizon to find more opportunities
  • Get career directions and gain confidence
  • Learn from a professional in the tech industry about how to successfully navigate and adjust to the working world
  • Improve your chances of securing a job or graduate admission by developing a professional CV and practising your interviewing technique
The Mentee’s Role

The success of a mentoring partnership is very much dependent on a mentee’s commitment to engage with their mentor.

Mentees who wish to participate as a mentee need to commit to:

  • Being available at least 1 hour per fortnight to meet up with the mentor either virtually, in-person or hybrid depending on both the mentor’s and mentee’s preference.
  • Taking responsibility for the mentoring relationship that includes initiating and managing the mentoring meetings
  • Come up with topics of discussion and questions before each meeting
  • Be punctual to the meetings
  • Communicate regularly and promptly with the mentor as per arrangements
  • Honour commitments
  • Keep shared information confidential

Applications are now closed

Program Structure

Successful mentees will be matched with a mentor.

  • The program will run for 10 weeks
  • At least one hour per fortnight meeting with the mentor
  • The frequency and length of meetings are flexible and are subject to the mentor-mentee mutual arrangements

Eligibility Criteria

We cannot guarantee all the mentees who register will be matched with a mentor as it depends on the number of registered mentors for the field.

To be eligible to apply as a mentee-

  • You must be a member of Muslim in Tech, or willing to join (it’s for free!)
  • A technology student or graduate.
  • Living in Australia
  • Available at least one hour per fortnight to meet up with the mentor
  • Apply using the registration link (above)

Matching Process

When matching a mentee with a mentor, we will take the following into consideration-

  • Personal preferences of the mentee recorded in the application form.
  • Whether the mentee’s preferences match with registered mentors.
  • The mentee’s motivation for participating in and level of commitment to the program.

Key Dates

Jun 12, 2023– Announcement
– Applications open for mentors.
Jun 26, 2023– Applications open for mentees.
– cut-off date for mentors initial applications.
Jul 31, 2023– Final application date for mentees.
– The approval process starts.
 Meet & Greet of all Mentors and Mentees if possible
Aug 15, 2023 Matches sent out
Aug 18, 2023– Matches confirmed
Aug 21, 2023– Mentoring sessions begin.
– Fortnightly meetings (as convenient).
– Email with hints and tips sent to mentors every two weeks.
Oct 27, 2023– End of program
– Get together and retrospective session.
– Online feedback survey about the program from both Mentors and Mentees