ICOM students’ experience with Muslims in Tech

In 2023, we were privileged enough to work with the Islamic College of Melbourne (ICOM) and deliver our Careers of the Future program. This program is tailored to high-school students with a focus on giving students exposure to real-life insights and work experience. We could continue to talk about the benefits of the program ourselves, but we’ve chosen to let the Careers Coordinator at ICOM tell you his and the students’ experience: “ICOM students involvement with the Muslims in Tech program experienced significant benefits from the initiative, gaining valuable insights into the future landscape of the tech industry and the reasons to consider a career in tech. Their response to the engagement was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing newfound enthusiasm for pursuing tech-related professions. The program successfully demystified the industry, providing them with a clearer understanding of the prospects available and the possible impression they could make. Working with Muslims…Continue readingICOM students’ experience with Muslims in Tech